Now Booking 2021 Fishing Trips. Season Start = May 1st

2020 was one of our busiest years ever, and we are already preparing the boat and gear for the upcoming 2021 season.  The Maryland season will commence:  May 1st with a limit of one trophy rockfish (striped bass) per customer 35 inches and longer.  May 16th through December 10th— two Rockfish per customer with a 19″ minimum.   (There will be two weeks in July or August  t.b.d. when targeting Rockfish isn’t permitted.)

We offer a 5:30 a.m. morning trip and a noon/1:00 p.m. afternoon trip.   We can take a maximum of 6 customers; one group hires the whole boat and pricing is flat.  We will be fishing out of Herrington Harbour North in Tracy’s Landing and CSI Marina in Annapolis depending on where the fish are most abundant.

Drop us a line today to book your Chesapeake Bay Fishing Charter!!